Understand how boat share works

How does Boat Share actually work

Owning a boat is truly one of life’s great pleasures.

But organising a berth, maintaining your boat, servicing the boat and all the other tasks that go with boat ownership, not so much. 

This is why boat share ticks so many boxes, for so many people.

This is especially true when so many of us seem to spend each week racing from one task to another. Boating is meant to be enjoyable, something that we can take at a pace and time of our choosing.

So how does boat share really work in practice? What does it mean to own part of a boat?

Our Boat Syndicate programs are unique. They have been carefully structured to maximise your enjoyment through ease of use and time on the water. Essentially each syndicate member has a share in the boat. Each syndicate has a limited number of shares, in the case of our plans, typically 6 and you can own 1 or 2 shares. The term of ownership is 3 years, with each owner receiving a share of the sale price at the end of this period, minus a small brokerage fee. 

Essentially you have 2 months of boating guaranteed, plus unlimited stand by days if you really love it (and we know you will!)

Our hassle free approach to boat share

When you book in your boating time, you simply arrive at the marina and your boat is completely ready for you. This is what we mean by ‘walk in, walk off’. Immaculately maintained and presented, stocked with the essentials, your boat will be fueled and ready to go. 

In addition you may also wish us to organise additional catering for a special event or the hire of paddle boards or lily pads to add to the enjoyment for your friends and family. Our team is here for you to help you make the most of your day on the water. 

After you have spent the day on the water, you arrive back at the marina, exhausted and exhilarated and we take care of the rest. No need to worry about cleaning, slipping, fuelling or any maintenance at this point. You simply go home and our team steps in to do all the things that frankly you might not have time or the inclination to do. 

How do my allocated boat share days work?

All boat shares operate on a shared system across the year. Most, like our own unique syndication package, use an online booking system to book your boating time in advance. This works to your advantage. The experience of boat share operations around the world shows that you will actually end up on the water more often, because you have to plan your time in advance. 

Now we know that there is only one New Year’s Eve on Sydney Harbour. So yes, you may not actually get on the harbour every new year’s eve, but we can guarantee that you will have plenty of quality time throughout the year, at great locations with your boat. 

Having structured leisure time, means you will tend to take it and not get pulled off to work, or other competing priorities. This will be a huge benefit that you and your family will appreciate over the course of the year. 

As well, there are always those ‘why not’ days. Whilst your boat share entitles you to at least 56 days during the year, if the mood beckons and the boat is free, then book it in. You have access to unlimited standby days. Plus each owner will also have access to 16 weekends across the year and the ability to book in 7 consecutive days for a longer cruise. 

Yes, this is living!

Boat share really is a great alternative method of boat ownership that complements our busy lifestyles. We only see the up side. You get to relax and enjoy your boating without having to worry about all the maintenance hassles and paying a fraction of the cost of owning the boat on your own.

Take the next step – Register your Interest

What is stopping you?

Speak to the team today about how boat share might work for you and your family. Register your interest here now and our team will get in touch with you.